The Three P's - Part 3

Scripture Reading - Proverbs 16:7 KJV

When a man's ways please the LORD, he maketh even his enemies to be at peace with him.

In our previous lesson about the three P’s we discovered that pleasing God can establish peace with your enemies providing a source of divine protection. We spoke of operating in The Ways of God to keep “peace” between yourself, God and your fellowman. When we seek “peace” and ensue it that act alone is “pleasing” to God. The bottom line is all those who choose to “please” God will be sensitive to His leading and that more perfect knowledge of God’s Will for all that you are doing is invaluable. The next message about the Three P’s (Part 2) we dealt with opposition in the midst of walking out God’s Will. In that message we discussed how to deal with the spiritual enemy of Satan and the physical enemies of sickness and disease. In this lesson we (ihlcc) will speak about dealing with another spiritual and physical enemy called man. We (ihlcc) typically don’t like to refer to man as our enemy because the Holy Bible declares that we wrestle not against flesh and blood but rather against principalities, powers, the rulers of the darkness of this world and spiritual wickedness in high places.-Refer to Ephesians 6:12 Of course the Word of God is always true so the root of evil is always connected to the Kingdom of Darkness where Satan and his demons rule. However, just because the enemy of our soul is behind the root cause of many of our problems it does not mean that he solely is responsible for all evil and wrong doing. No, our faith friend, we also will need to recognize that the unregenerate nature of man is evil also. Yes, this is mostly true because the unborn-again man is born of darkness according to Ephesians 2:2-3. When we understand that some men have a spirit of darkness we can better understand why people do things that are ungodly. Yes, there are and will be men who come against you as an enemy but we must still walk “pleasing” to God. Why?, because when we walk “pleasing” to God we will pray for those individuals. This prayer for our enemies should be positive for both parties. What we mean is that first pray for them to be saved because that will immediately change their heart. Secondly, we should pray that we have the heart of God when dealing with those individuals. This is specifically saying there is always a time to speak and likewise a time to keep silent. We need God’s Wisdom to accurately know the difference because speaking to a person who doesn’t want to listen to you can be problematic. Likewise, when you refuse to speak to a person who wants to listen to you because you are offended at them is a huge problem for you, them and God. As Christians we are supposed to act like Christ so when we misrepresent our loving Savior and Heavenly Father our living example of ungodliness brings shame to Christ. That is why we (ihlcc) said it causes a problem for God and the very real fact that when you refuse to forgive people you usually hinder your fellowship with God. Remember, we cannot bring our willingness to sin into the throne room of God and expect a healthy conversation about our love for God when we refuse to love our fellow man. Thus, when a person comes against you as an enemy first realize that you shouldn’t take it personally because any threat or mistreatment against you is a direct threat and mistreatment against God. We are children of God therefore when we live godly in this perverted world before men some people will attack us in an attempt to get at God. The battle is always between Satan and God so we must remember not to fight God’s battle but rather let God’s Word and the authority of the Name of Jesus fight their own battle through our faith in Him (Jesus Christ). That is why it is so important to walk “pleasing” to God because although the enemy may come at us one way he will flee before us seven ways when we operate in love, faith and patience. No one ever likes talking about being under attack by their neighbor, spouse, family member or boss because it is depressing but these things are real and they should not be ignored. To win in the battles of life you need faith in the conqueror of death – Jesus Christ. Therefore, we recommend that as faithful loving children of God we deal with these types of people in wisdom and peace. Yes, never lose your patience and peace when standing your grown as a righteous child of God. You should never go looking for a fight, nor should you ever look to arouse trouble but we should never be ashamed of who we are in Christ Jesus. Being strong in the Lord and in the Power of His Might means we don’t run away from any battle because we know we have the victory in Jesus Christ. We (ihlcc) can remember on one occasion that the Lord told us this specific individual is not going to be happy with you but stand your ground in love, patience and peace so that the impending victory can be yours. We did and in due season the victory came in the midst of opposition. Praise the Lord Jesus who is our faithful witness and advisor (teacher, coach). We were not mad at the other person because we love all people including all those who come against us but we have learned through experience that it is better to be at peace when dealing with man to stay in God’s Peace during your life. So be wise as serpents and harmless as doves by walking “pleasing” to God. This “pleasing” walking of faith, patience and love when dealing with an enemy will bring you “God’s Peace” during the opposition and in due season (without fail) “God’s divine Protection” will always prevail over the evil intentions of men. Remember, God loves you so very much and within His Love there is enough Grace, Power, “Peace” and Provision to keep you “Protected” in all your dealing with men, yes, both good men and not so good men too in Jesus Name. Amen!